
BorderSenses has a dedicated board of directors, trained facilitators for the projects, and some volunteers who believe in our mission. We want to increase our impact by seeking to engage the community.

BorderSenses humbly asks for your support and your donation. Your tax-deductible contribution will provide us with many resources that will help us achieve our objectives and improve our community.

We are not a school but an organization dedicated to community growth and creativity. We believe that appreciation of reading, writing, and the arts lead to creativity and this encourages people to live to their potential that will benefit society as a whole. BorderSenses has been invested in improving the lives of the youth and the underserved communities of the region and beyond. We focus on underserved communities such as migrant workers and youth and we wish to nurture them with the intent of improving their lives. We seek to bring literacy which we hope will trigger creativity.

In order to serve more people we need more resources and your support/ donation is truly appreciated.

BorderSenses (staff/ volunteers/ board)

Tech donated by Bright Sol Tech, a local technology company based in El Paso, TX